The Cedevita Olimpija Basketball School has been organized for several years within the scope of the Cedevita Olimpija. The goals of the Cedevita Olimpija Basketball School are to attract as many youngsters as possible, to motivate them to start playing basketball and to enable them to fulfill their sports and life’s dreams. The Cedevita Olimpija Basketball School operates in four elementary schools throughout Ljubljana and its outskirts, as well as at the Stožice Arena, which also serves as its headquarters. Over 150 players, aged 8 to 15, are enrolled in the basketball school each year. They are divided into several groups according to age, psychomotor and physical abilities.

Practices take place twice a week under the expert supervision of younger coaches, mainly students of the Faculty of Sports of the University in Ljubljana. This ensures successful work and progress, which is essential for the young players’ breakthrough towards top-level performers. Such progress demands a maximum number of games played; for this reason, the Basketball School organizes competitions among our and other schools throughout the year. Part of the Cedevita Olimpija Basketball School’s activities also include a summer basketball camp and participation in international basketball tournaments.

More information: or 031 362-586 (Srečko Bester).


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