Club Mascot – The Dragon Oli
Dragon Oli is a mascot of Basketball Club Cedevita Olimpija, and he was introduced for the first time at the game of first round of ABA League in the 2018/19 season.
Strength, courage, greatness, and love towards basketball and life are the values, that best describe Oli, as he wants to share them with the basketball world and all of the fans and supporters of Cedevita Olimpija. He will be seen at the home games of club from Ljubljana, and many events, as Oli is a big fan of active life. Oli is a young dragon, so he will get along great with children and their parents, as well as the fans, that are a little older. With his sense of humor, he will make fans smile, and he can not wait for the next home game of Cedevita Olimpija.
Olijev Drive-In
Vaš najmlajši košarkarski navdušenec si lahko domače tekme Cedevite Olimpije ogleda v stilu klasičnih ameriških Drive-In kinov iz 60. let prejšnjega stoletja. Edinstvena izkušnja za mladega navijača pa lahko ogled tekme zagotovi celotni družini.
Nosilnost posebnega avtomobila na daljinsko upravljanje je 30 kilogramov.