
Cedevita Olimpija entered the new season in Aleja

Players, coaching staff members and members of management of Cedevita Olimpija have entered the new 2021/22 season in the Aleja shopping mall. Cedevita Olimpija has officially entered the new season in the Aleja shopping mall. At the press conference, Cedevita Olimpija Director Davor Užbinec, Head Coach Jurica Golemac and Dragons captain Jaka Blažič have spoken. … Continued

Players, coaching staff members and members of management of Cedevita Olimpija have entered the new 2021/22 season in the Aleja shopping mall.

Cedevita Olimpija has officially entered the new season in the Aleja shopping mall. At the press conference, Cedevita Olimpija Director Davor Užbinec, Head Coach Jurica Golemac and Dragons captain Jaka Blažič have spoken. The whole event was, as previously told, been hosted by the Aleja shopping mall and Director of the company Toni Pugelj has spoken for the gathered crowd as well. Due to personal reasons, President of Cedevita Olimpija Tomaž Berločnik and Sports Director Sani Bečirović have been absent from the event.

The gathered have had a chance to see the jerseys fort he new season and Adidas will be the official apparel supplier for another season. The official jerseys of Cedevita Olimpija for the new season are already available in our web store.

The Dragons will enter the new season on Friday, 20:30 in Tivoli Sports Hall, as they will compete with Krka for the Slovenian Super Cup trophy. The teams will meet again eight days later in the first round of the ABA League, when the game will be hosted by Stožice Arena.

In the 7Days EuroCup, the squad, led from the bench by head coach Jurica Golemac, will enter the court for the first time on 19 October at the Canary Islands, when they will face Gran Canaria.

Toni Pugelj, ALEJA Director:

»Veseli nas da lahko že drugo leto zapored gostimo uvodno novinarsko konferenco KK Cedevita Olimpija. Smo ponosen in pomemben sponzor kluba. Košarka in športne aktivnosti na splošno so aktivnosti, ki jih Aleja podpira. Z edinstveno streho, kakršno premorejo redki trgovski centri v Evropi dokazujemo, da to drži. Navdušeni smo nad letošnjo ekipo, ki jo je vodstvo kluba sestavili in verjamemo, da bodo z njo prišli tudi rezultati. Zato pozivam vse, naj obiskujejo tekme Cedevite Olimpije v novi sezoni. Več kot nas bo, več talentov se bo razvilo iz tega. Sami smo videli in vemo, da košarka Slovence povezuje. Tudi v času epidemije, ki trenutno traja se iz športa črpa dodatna energija in dodatna moč. S tem ko bomo obiskovali tekme in podprli Cedevito Olimpijo, pa bomo dobivali nove talente, ki jih bomo lahko občudovali na košarkarskih parketih in ki bodo navduševali tudi v dresu slovenske reprezentance.«

Tomaž Berločnik, Cedevita Olimpija President:

»The new season is just around the corner and it brings the new and old challenges. The latter are linked to COVID-19, but we believe that in this season the fans can be present at every game and that our work wouldn’t be  too hard. The new challenges are linked to the competitions. We believe that we have a great team, that needs time to get acquainted with each other and we wish to present the Ljubljana and Slovenian basketball in the best possible way in the broader region and Europe. I am happy that we manage to bring new sponsors and partners to the club each year. I thank them and I believe that we will reach all goals together. The club is stable, Cedevita Olimpija is more recognizable day by day in the World and that’s what matters. With the support of our fans and with the support of our sponsors and partners we can achieve everything, so I wish everyone a great season, ful of triumphs and successes.«

Davor Užbinec, direktor KK Cedevita Olimpija:

»As President Berločnih has already mentioned, here is the new season with challenges and goals that are high once more. We wish to maintain our stability and add another sponsor or partner to our structure. The brand Cedevita Olimpija is already powerful in our region and this is what we wish to build our future on. At the same time I wish to invite as many fans to the Stožice Arena as possible, since in this season we will need their support and help from the stands. There is a new season with lots of ups and downs behind us and I am mostly saddened by the look at the empty hall. This impression improved a bit in the Finals of the Slovenian National Championship, but I wish to leave all Covid-19 linked problems behind and I hope that we will enjoy great performances of our guys in Stožice. We believe in this team, we believe in Sani and Jurica, which have composed a team, that would be characterized by the relentless game, that our fans will like for sure. I wish to congratulate Jaka, Edo, Luka and Žiga, that took care with the Slovenian National team that the basketball Summer was fairy-tale like. Once more it became evident that Slovenia breathes with basketball and we hope that Ljubljana and Slovenia would breathe for Cedevita Olimpija this season.«

Sani Bečirović, športni direktor KK Cedevita Olimpija:

»There is a tough summer behind us in which we had to compose our team that will be fighting fort he highest places in the EuroCup and ABA League and at the same time we all know that Cedevita Olimpija’s imperative for every new season is winning all of the domestic trophies. Last season the cup trophy slipped out of our hands and we are happy that the domestic championship trophy returned to our cupborards. At the 75th anniversary of the establishment of our club we wish to start, continue and end our season in the way as it should end. We have a great team with great individuals and our goal is that the team would become a complete unit, that will make fans happy with tough and attractive game, that will bring us victory. Myself, I wish to take advantage of this opportunity to invite all fans – we want you to see at our home games. We must get to know each other well and the first test is coming on Friday. Super Cup will be a great introduction to the new season, we wish to win the trophy in the home of Slovenian Basketball and I believe that we will manage to meet all goals, set before ethe season, to qualify for the Playoffs of the ABA League, which will be exceptionally strong this season and to fight for the top of the EuroCup, which will be specific this season due to altered competition system and to win all of the domestic trophies.«

Jurica Golemac, glavni trener KK Cedevita Olimpija:

»Naše moštvo že pridno dela. Končno smo se zbrali in smo vsi zdravi. Komaj čakamo, da se sezona začne. Komaj čakamo, da v Stožice pridejo gledalci. Zagotovo bodo v tej sezoni naš šesti igralec. Letos smo ekipo zagotovo kakovostno dopolnili. Zagotovo bomo garali na igrišču in ljubljanski publiki ponudili vrhunski rezultat na klubskem prizorišču, tako kot je to na reprezentančnem storila to poletje slovenska reprezentanca. Želimo zmagati na vsaki tekmi, kar ni lahko, zato pozivam vse gledalce, naj nam se pridružijo v dvorani, saj bomo zares potrebovali njihovo pomoč.«

Jaka Blažič, kapetan KK Cedevita Olimpija:

»Aleji in vsem ostalim sponzorjem bi se rad zahvalil za podporo. Brez vas zagotovo ne bi bili na takem nivoju, kot smo. Moštvo se je zbralo šele pred dvema tednoma in smo še v procesu spoznavanja. Rad bi pohvalil raven zavzetosti, ki jo vsi kažemo in vzdušje v moštvu. Trdo delamo in se pripravljamo na uradne tekme. Prva sledi že v petek. Smo na pravi poti in kot vse kaže, bodo gledalci smeli biti prisotni na tekmah vsaj v prvem delu sezone, zato jih pozivam naj se udeležijo tekem in navijajo za nas ter upam, da se bomo vsi skupaj veselili res lepe sezone.«

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